Sunday, 30 June 2013

Camp NaNo - Nearly Time!

First of all, where did June go?! I'm sure it was only recently I was celebrating my birthday, doesn't feel like 2 months have gone by!

Tomorrow is the beginning of Camp NaNoWriMo, and I'm already falling behind. Tomorrow I'll be driving my sister and her boyfriend to the Lake District for a holiday, which (along with other errands I need to run) writes off my whole day. No pun intended.

Then on Thursday I fly to Indianapolis for 5 weeks. I'll be up with the sun, toiling all day in sweltering, humid temperatures, running around after squealing children until late at night. That's right, I'm headed back to camp! I'm volunteering for 4 weeks, then have a week's leeway for possible travel. I've been invited to go to Kentucky to visit one of the friends I made at camp last year so I may do that. I go wherever the wind takes me, basically! If I get to tick off another state (I aim to visit all 50 - I'm approximately a 3rd of the way through) then all the better.

Basically, all this means that if I get ANY writing done (never mind hitting my target), it'll be a Camp Magic Miracle.

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Camp NaNoWriMo - Preparation

I've been trying to get myself ready for Camp NaNoWriMo.  Unlike the last camp I went on, this isn't an actual, physical camp, so prep is a little different.  This year, I'm not packing a suitcase full of flip-flops and shorts.  Instead, I'm organising my proposed novel.

I've decided (for now??) that I'll be working on a fantasy novel.  This idea for this story came out of an activity in A215 (creative writing course), and I've been toying with it ever since.  I looked back on my notes (all in one Word document) and found it quite confusing scrolling back and forth through the pages.  Some of my novel writing friends recommended downloading novel writing software.  Two names came out of their recommendations - ywriter, and Scrivener.

Scrivener has a 30 day trial, but if you want to continue with it afterwards, you have to buy it.  It's not hugely expensive, but I'm a little unwilling to part with cash.  Especially if I don't know if I'll find it useful.

ywriter is free. Now that's my favourite word!  So, I've decided to start with ywriter, and see if the concept is something I can use.  If it doesn't do everything I need, I can always 'upgrade' to Scrivener.

Findings so far -

I've only really been using ywriter for a day.  I started with it last night, and have been busily loading my characters into the programme, along with my plot-outline.  This is quite a long, cumbersome process, but I imagine that will be the case no matter what programme I'm using.  Once I've got started, I imagine it will speed up considerably.

Now, I like to also find photos that inspire me.  This is one place where ywriter falls down for me.  It gives you the option to load a photo onto your character profile, which is great, but there's isn't one photo that represents my character.  I'm doing research, I want her hair, her jewellery, her clothes, her pets, her tattoos...I need a whole host of photos per character.  Pinterest is my "go to" for photos, but they all get jumbled together.  That's great for a quick overview, I can scroll through and get a feel for the whole setting, but I'd like to have it organised into subfolders.  I'm a little obsessive that way.  I've created individual character folders onto My Documents, but that seems a bit long-winded.  If I could have all those photos within the novel writing software, that would be fantastic.  I don't know if Scrivener has that option, but if it does, that might be the point that sways me.  We shall see.

Other than that, I'm enjoying ywriter.  I've not started writing yet, as I'm trying not to be a Camp NaNo "rebel", and don't want to start writing until July 1st.  I'll get all my planning done, possibly right down to individual scenes, but won't start writing the main content of the novel.

I'll keep you posted on how I'm getting along with ywriter, and might try out the Scrivener trial as well for comparisons sake.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Camp NaNoWriMo - July 2013

For reasons even I don't fully understand, today I signed myself up for Camp NaNoWriMo (July 2013)!  I've been taking a break from writing since I finished my Open University course, A363 (Advanced Creative Writing - level 3 course), but figured this would be a good way to get back into it again.  What can I say, I guess I'm a sucker for deadlines!

Plus, I'm used to working very long hours, and studying on top of all of that, so with a 10 week summer holiday stretching ahead, I felt the need to fill the time somehow.  So far I'll be doing Camp NaNo, and probably an online TEFL course.  And working, if someone will give me a job for the summer.  And spending time with my family, of course.  Yes, I suppose that will keep me just nicely busy!

I'm now in a flat spin about Camp NaNo though, what on earth do I write?!  I've been toying with the idea of a fantasy novel since A215 (Creative Writing - the level 2 course), but whenever I try and write it, it's just a bit...well...rubbish.  I could write about some of my wacky adventures from the last few years, so many people tell me I should, but I wouldn't know where to start.  Plus, it's all well and  good saying "write what you know", but that's actually really quite difficult!  Or it is for me, anyway.  If I don't do either of those things, then what?!

All I can say is - it's a good job I have a month to figure it out...