Sunday, 1 April 2012

Application : Medical Form

As part of the application, I was required to complete a Medical Form. This had to be signed by a medical practitioner and basically had to show that I wasn't going to keel over and die on them at camp!

Rather than explain this to the receptionist at the doctor's surgery, and risk having them try and make me pay for a medical, I simply made an appointment to see the doctor.

I went to see my GP, who's known me since I was 10 (and was very shocked to realise that I'm nearly 23!), and is a very nice doctor. I explained what I was applying for, and that I needed this form filling out. I'd completed most of it, it was just the end section I needed doing.

He gave me a very quick medical exam - checked my height, weight, bone structure, teeth (we're not sure why my teeth) etc, then signed it all off. Done and dusted in less than 10 minutes I think!

It was all very quick and simple, and most importantly - free! Don't let them try and make you pay for your medical, it's really not necessary.

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