Saturday, 31 March 2012

Application : Step Two

...I didn't have to wait long!

A couple of days after submitting my application, I was invited to meet a fellow CCUSA-er who would be my interviewer. She was a returning applicant, and last year was her first year. I hopped on a train to the nearby city where she attends university.

It was a very informal interview. She had a declaration that we had to read through together and both sign, then she had some forms with standardised questions. She wrote down my answers to all the questions, then asked me hobby-specific ones. It was quite funny being asked about fencing and archery by someone who knows nothing about either of them! She carefully read out each question, word for word, then wrote down my answers, word for word, and clearly had no idea what was being said! Her specialism was horse-riding though, and I'd be just as clueless if I was having to ask the questions related to that!

I also had to answer a lot of "Give me an example of..." questions. Things like "Give me an example of a time you taught a child something...How did that go?". I don't remember how many of them there were - it felt like hundreds! If I was stuck on a question, we moved onto the next one and went back once I'd had time to think.

Once we'd finished all of that, we chatted about camp. She encouraged me to add "Religious Camp" to my list of camp types I was interested in. My list at that point was Traditional ; Girl Scout ; Inner-City ; Campers with Specific Requirements. She told me that the camp she went to was a YMCA camp, and she had really enjoyed it. She said it wasn't too heavily religious (she's non-religious like me) and she highly recommended considering it.

Then that was that! I headed back home, and she typed up my information and sent it off to CCUSA for consideration.

One more hoop down, no idea how many more to jump through...

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