Saturday, 31 March 2012

Confession #1

I thought I'd take a break from recounting my application process thus far.

As the blog title suggests, this blog should, at some point, involve confessions from this particular English Muffin.

I chose English Muffin rather than English Rose because...well "Confessions of an English Rose" was already taken! But also, a certain American that I know used to refer to me as his "little English Muffin". I quite liked the nickname and thought it was appropriate here, given that this blog will detail my journey to and around America.

So here's my confession...

In the UK...we don't have English muffins!

I know! Crazy, right?! Why are they called "English" if they're not English? It's not even as though they're like Belgian Waffles which in Belgium are just "Waffles". We simply do not have them!

This meant that one day, while visiting aforementioned American, we went out to breakfast at a diner. We were offered the usual mind-boggling list of options, and one of them was an English Muffin. Now, I watch enough American TV to have heard of this, but didn't actually know what one was. So I asked. And to be honest I'm not really any the wiser!

It was rather funny watching the faces of two Americans as they tried to explain to this English girl what an English muffin was though...

Eventually my friend agreed to order some and let me see for myself, since their explanations weren't getting them anywhere. It was an odd mix of a crumpet and a bread bun. It was like a bread bun on the bottom (what I'd call a muffin...but not a muffin like a chocolate chip muffin...!), and a crumpet on top.

Very strange indeed! I don't remember if I was brave enough to try it though...

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